Slow living

A root cause of many illnesses and disorders is stress and physical and mental tiredness. These days, many people live overstretched, ever-frenetic lifestyles with too many work, study or family commitments. To help our patients rebalance their body, mind and spirit, we endorse the concept of slow living – an invitation to live life at an easier, more tranquil pace. This allows you to make more time for yourself, for your thoughts and feelings: you can get back in touch with your body, your inner life and the world about you. It's not about slacking off but giving yourself room to breathe. It means helping your body and mind to face life's challenges with aplomb, managing your time, and learning to appreciate every moment of your day – even when the going gets tough.

This sense of serenity applies to how we eat, too. It's about eschewing fast food and embracing slow food, giving yourself time to eat in peace, finding out about food quality and where the products come from, and choosing foods that are nourishing and genuinely good for you. Our clinic champions organic, locally sourced, freshly prepared seasonal food produced without harming the environment. A healthy diet free of industrially processed, chemically treated and genetically modified ingredients is a key pillar of our physical and mental wellbeing today.